29 Mar

Compression socks are specialty hosiery designed specifically to help prevent and treat the development of and lessen the occurrence of, venous diseases like thrombosis, edema, and phlebitis. Compression socks are basically elastic compression hosiery worn over the leg, trapping the skin in the socks and compressing it. This prevents pressure build up in the legs, which in turn helps prevent conditions like varicose veins and spider veins. These socks are helpful for athletes who often sweat a lot and do not have much time to change their clothes during sporting events. This product also help people suffering from edema and varicose veins.

Blood circulation is important to our body's normal function. For instance, the circulation of blood throughout the body helps keep our organs and tissues nourished leading to a healthy body. For people with hypertension, poor circulation is one of the many causes for the condition. On the other hand, prolonged standing or sitting can also cause circulation problems as blood flow becomes compromised. As a result, circulation problems related to prolonged standing or sitting can result to circulatory issues that will eventually lead to circulatory conditions like varicose veins, spider veins, and edema.

Some symptoms of circulation problems include feeling of heaviness on the legs after sitting or standing for long periods of time, swollen ankles or legs, discomfort and pain in the legs when wearing shorts, and even bruising and swelling of the legs. These symptoms are caused by the accumulation of fluids under the skin leading to tissue swelling. This fluid build-up is usually accompanied by a stinging sensation as the leg draws tight against the body, causing a feeling of heaviness. The compression socks work by compressing this swollen tissue and allowing adequate blood circulation and removal of the fluids that causes the discomfort.

The most common symptoms of leg swelling caused by fluid build-up are tenderness of the calf muscles. Because these muscles are stretched out, it causes a feeling of tightness especially around the calves. This can make walking and standing very painful, particularly for women. On top of this, the compression socks help to relax the muscles so they do not contract whenever you walk or stand.

In addition, these compression socks are very effective in improving circulation in the feet. The compression socks effectively reduce the friction between the skin and the soles of the feet, which results to improved blood flow and oxygenation to the feet. Wearing the socks also allows for better circulation of the blood in the legs, helping it carry oxygenated blood and removing fluids that can hinder its function.

Compression socks may also help to reduce swelling in the legs brought about by diabetes. The blood vessels in the legs become constricted because of high blood sugar levels. However, with the help of compression socks, the blood vessels are allowed to expand. This helps to improve circulation, aiding in weight loss as well as other health conditions. Indeed, compression socks may be very helpful to those who suffer from leg swelling caused by veins bulging, varicose veins and spider veins. Visit this page: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/compression-gear-improve-performance_n_1471222 to get more info about this topic.

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